Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Top 5 Ways to Secure your Social Media Accounts

#1 Two-factor authentication

Secure your Social Media Accounts

This is a type of security layer that comes into action while the user logs in to their accounts. The users are then asked for the self destructing code that appears on their provided phone number etc. Hence it makes task much more difficult for the hackers to hack the account. You should note that to activate this feature in any of the social media, there are some very different methods for every different social media so you should find that up in the settings tab and try to set that by your own.

#2 Passwords with Password manager

Secure your Social Media Accounts

You might think your custom account password to be very safe but that could be not true always as mostly the passwords set up by the humans are of high risk category. So to bypass this problem you should prefer to get the password for your accounts that are really very safe and proves to be more secure. To generate up the best possible password for your accounts, you should try up the password generating software and online tools.

#3 Email Usage

Secure your Social Media Accounts

The very important thing that most of the people don’t apply while making up the social media accounts is they tend to make up different emails for their new social media account and use up the same email that is already being used for many other purposes before. Try to make the different emails for every different social media account as this will help preventing the malware and the other security issues too.

#4 Using Phone number

Secure your Social Media Accounts

You should provide up your phone number in the account profile of your social media as this can help to prevent up the password encryption attacks on the account of yours and hence it can also help you notify about the every new login from any other device. This phone number can then also be used as the emergency recovery option for your account that can help to keep your account really much safe.

#5 Make it Private

Secure your Social Media Accounts

You should try to make up your profile and other account details all very private so that nobody else other than you can know about that details and finally misuse that. This also helps to protect your account from the hackers to some extent for sure.

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